
About our company

What do we do?

Ascentet Group Co., Ltd (Hong Kong) has a factory in Hunan Province. It is the first medical device registrant system integration platform in Hunan Province under the guidance of Hunan Food and Drug Administration, and the only CDMO platform in Xiangtan Hunan Medical Device Industrial Park.

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According to your needs, customize for you, and provide you wit

  • Always puts the quality at the first place and strictly supervise the product quality of every process.


    Always puts the quality at the first place and strictly supervise the product quality of every process.

  • Our Factory has grown into a Premier ISO9001:2008 Certified manufacturer of High quality, Cost-Effective products


    Our Factory has grown into a Premier ISO9001:2008 Certified manufacturer of High quality, Cost-Effective products

  • Professional manufacturer of XXXX XXXX Products nearly 10 years. Our XXXX XXXX  factory is located in XXXX.


    Professional manufacturer of XXXX XXXX Products nearly 10 years. Our XXXX XXXX factory is located in XXXX.

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